Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Musicalizador Profile - Don Niko

Nome: Nicola De Concilio

Località: Torino

Cell: +393471208338

Mail: nicola.deconcilio@alice.it
Website: www.nicolayeltango.blogspot.com

Don niko

Amo soprattutto il genere classico, il Tango della Epoca de Oro, ma anche la rivisitazione timbrica e ritmica operata da orchestre contemporanee.. Sono attento alle novità ed esperto nell’individuarle. Ritengo che una delle qualità del musicalizador debba essere il saper coinvolgere la pista, mostrando la necessaria flessibilità per poterne coglierne i segnali ed interagire con essa. Ritengo imprescindibile per un musicalizador lo studio delle orchestre che hanno segnato the history of tango, including those often "olvidadas. Generally adopted the scheme tandas cortinas y que no se Bailan, but may still be some surprises ...
Professor of Italian Language and Literature in high schools. Town. Graduated in Estudios Avanzados (DEA) in History of Latin America at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, currently works as a researcher at the UAM, working on a PhD thesis project entitled "Entre tópicos y realidad, Representación of the Italian inmigrante tango en la cancion (1870-1930) . And 'being published my historical essay entitled " Texts and contexts: The item in the Italian tango poetry. Also cooperate with the magazine Editango , the first Italian magazine of the Argentine tango.
musicalizador In my career I have conducted numerous evenings, mainly in Turin and the province but also in Rome and Venice. I lead evening in Madrid, where periodically reside. My meeting with the tango is to Buenos Aires in 2005. My career in music began much earlier, in the 70 'as a percussionist, then voice (baritone, bass) of an a cappella vocal group, moving to the tango as a dancer and finally musicalizador.


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