Sunday, June 20, 2010

Wedding Gift Bag Thank You Wording

Anticipation: IRREGULAR Vincent Bosica

Shaun Morrison, a detective about to receive the pending sales, is engaged with the challenging session of "Heartbreaker", the video game controlled by artificial intelligence, designed to test the ability of candidates and allow them to enter the final test.

complex personality, and a failed marriage behind him, Shaun has made the work the center of his life, sharing with their peers much more than just hours to the district.

Suddenly, the focus of His team is called to the scene of a very heinous crime. An elderly man is found murdered and not wealthy in his own apartment, his cybernetic eye torn.

In the city littered with cameras, men and women who have prolonged their lives thanks to cybernetic implants, indications of illegal trafficking and the discovery of an individual Irregular, born without premises of procreation and therefore condemned to wait for it Any time capsule suspended in a cryogenics, are intertwined with the personal stories of many lives, tracing the contours of a not too distant future, and not so amazing.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Nano Speed 9900 Price In Toronto

Racconti all'aperto - Nell'orto dei Libralberi

The Association of Social Promotion Libriforas , which deals with promotion of reading aloud, organized in collaboration with 'Orto Botanico-Department of Botany - University of Cagliari and with the library for children "Tuttestorie" the project "In the garden of Libralberi - Outdoor Animated Tales" .

Now in its second year of the project in the Garden Libralberi aimed at children aged 3 to 10 years provides the possibility of a dual path animations, studied and divided into two age groups: 3-6 years and 7-10 years.

The students can meet, more fully, the needs and tastes.

The moment of the narrative will always be associated with a laboratory for creativity and expression on the topics of the day: drama workshops, manuals, etc.

every Monday from June 21, from 17:30 to 19:00, at the Botanical Garden Cagliari in Via Sant 'Ignazio da Laconi.

E 'made a contribution of 5 € per contest, which includes admission for No. 1 escort.

The objectives of the project are:

- upgrade the skills of listening,

- Encouraging autonomous powers of imagination;

- Improve the receptive and expressive language;

- Strengthening the desire to learn to read independently;

- Developing a complex emotional interactions that induce and encourage the expression of their feelings.


Info and registration:

Stefania Anna Rita 3470056112 3497205171

Friday, June 18, 2010

Managerial Psychology Books

referendum, the next steps

Wednesday, June 16 we have deposited five of the referendum questions to the City of Milan, with the names of the first signatories.

must now wait about 15 days because the city will provide us the forms certified to start collecting the 15,000 signatures needed.

Collecting (120 days left) iniziarà between late June and early July . We will try to inform everyone through this blog on how to subscribe to and participate in the campaign , arranging tables and helping in the collection. Continue

while collecting signatures, writing to referendum.milano @

Temperature Cold Damage Leather

Accessions to the Referendum for Milan

Marco Cappato, Edoardo Croci, Enrico Fedrighini

Andrea Poggio (vicepresidente nazionale Legambiente), Luca Carra (Giunta esecutiva nazionale Italia Nostra), Giovanni Gottardi (Vicepresidente WWF Lombardia), Amedeo Clavarino (Fondatore di Ambiente Milano), Valeria Corbella (presidente Genitori Antismog), Marco Roveda (fondatore Lifegate), Emanuele Regalini (Presidente dell’Associazione Ingegneri Ambientali), Enrico Oggioni (Nondimenticareilfuturo), Alessandro Zanardi (Il Baniano), Luca Mazzone (Studenti Liberali Bocconi), Anna Maria Spina (Unione Donne Italiane), Mario Caputi (Presidente Committed), Barbara Meggetto (Director Legambiente Lombardy), Franco Beccari (Coordinator Legambiente Milan), Riccardo Tarozzi (Coordinator Legambiente Milan), Edward King (Promotion of social networks and natural), Martina Vogel (President of "proactive people") , James Marossi (MI Left), Mario Schiavoni (President CamminaMilano), Ludovico Grandi (former President of ACI), Otto Bitjoka (Etnoland Foundation President), Costanza Pratesi (Italian Environment Fund), Aldo Monzeglio (Ciclobby-tale non-profit organization), the Ida Bedroom (President of the Circle of Legambiente "living with style"), Stefano Bilotti (RientroDolce Association Treasurer), Martin Gerosa (Pioneer Dock), Alessandra Mauri (Pioneer Dock), Federica Guaglio Association (Beautiful Canals), Nadia Volpi (Italy Nostra Vice-President Milan), Marco Parini (Italy Our President Milan), John Petrini (responsible Fa 'the right thing!)

universities and professions
Stefano Rolando (IULM, former Director General of the Lombardy Regional Council), Francesco Giavazzi (MIT - Bocconi University), Marco Vitale (Board of Directors of the Olivetti Foundation and the Foundation Board FAI), Stefano Boeri ( Architect Designer Expo - adheres to the questions about mobility and Expo), Paolo Crosignani (director environmental epidemiology, National Cancer Institute of Milan), Frank Morgan (co-founder of MI06), Jacopo Gardella (architect), Stefano Pogutz (Director of the Master Environmental Bocconi), Luigi De Paoli (Bocconi University), Mario Zambrini (Director Institute of Environmental Research Italy ), Giulio Cossu (San Raffaele Hospital), Augusto Ninni (Bocconi University), Eliot Laniado (Politecnico di Milano), Alessandro De Carli (Coordinator of the Master of Environmental Bocconi), Maria Berrini (President-Research Institute of Environmental Italy), architects LPzR Associated Colorni Alberto (Politecnico di Milano)

Daria Bignardi (journalist and TV presenter), Isabella Bossi Fedrigotti (Courier della Sera), Paola Maugeri (journalist and TV presenter), Franco Santini, Tomaso Greek (Reasons), Simona Bonfante (Freedom)

Elio de Capitani (Elf Puccini Theatre Artistic Director), Antonio Cornacchione (comic) , Andrea Pinketts (writer), Gian Paolo Serino (literary critic), Massimo Coppola (ISBN publisher, director), Diego Parassole (comic), Debora Villa (comic Zelig), Claudio Batta (Zelig comedian), Pietro Leemann (Chef restaurant Joia ), Marco Vigevani (literary critic), Mauro Raffo della Porta (writer)

Montalbetti Charles (City Councilor - Civica Milano), Giancarlo Pagliarini (Consigliere Comunale – gruppo misto), Giancarlo Morandi (ex presidente Consiglio regionale – FI), Benedetto della Vedova (Parlamentare PDL), Pietro Ichino (Parlamentare PD), Davide Corritore (Consigliere comunale – PD), Michele D’Elia (preside, ex Presidente Provincia di Milano PLI), Giacomo Properzj (ex Presidente Provincia di Milano PRI- aderisce ai quesiti su Mobilità, Expo, Verde, Energie rinnovabili), Nicola Fortuna (commissario PLI Lombardia), Pierangelo Rossi (già assessore comunale PLI), Carlo Monguzzi (già consigliere regionale), Lorenzo Ruffatti (PLI), Francesco Poirè (Segretario Associazione radicale Enzo Tortora), Claudia Girombelli (Tesoriera Associazione radicale Enzo Tortora), Marco di Salvo (Segretario Radicali Senza fissa dimora), Emiliano Silvestri (Tesoriere Associazione Radicali Senza fissa dimora), Elena Grandi (Consigliere di Zona 1 – RNP), Isidoro Spirolazzi (consigliere zona 7 – Milano civica), Marco Vittoria (Consigliere zona 7 – Milano Civica), Dario Proto (Consigliere zona 8 – Milano civica), Fiorello Cortiana (ex Senatore), Silvano Mulas (Nuovo Partito d’Azione Lombardia), Enrico Marcora (Consigliere regionale – UDC)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Jenna Haze Vs Og Mudbone

5 Referendum: the texts of the questions

Quesiti referendari al Comune di Milano

1 Oggetto: Richiesta di referendum consultivo d’indirizzo per ridurre traffico and pollution through the enhancement of public transport, the extension of "ecopass" and the pedestrian area of \u200b\u200bdowntown

"Do you wish that the City of Milan adopting and implementing a plan of action to enhance public transport and mobility" clean " alternative to the car, through the extension to all vehicles (except for zero emission) Progressive enlargement to the "railway ring" of the system access fee, with the goal of halving the traffic and pollution.
In particular, the action required are: a.
the strengthening of the Milan subway system with the completion of lines 4 and 5 by 2015;
b. doubling by 2012 of the extension of pedestrian areas, both in the center on the outskirts, including lots for the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe ring of canals from the "Quadrangle of Fashion";
c. doubling by 2012 to moderate traffic areas (areas with 30 km / h) and the implementation of measures for road safety of residential neighborhoods;
d. the creation by 2015 of a network of trails and bike routes integrated and secure at least 300 km, and a doubling by 2012 of the parking stalls for bikes;
e. preferencing and protection of all public transport lines by 2015 in order to increase speed and regularity;
f. introduced throughout the city, from suburban areas, a service popular day and night of "neighborhood bus" service that makes the individual homes to major public transport stops, at no additional cost compared to the ticket;
g. extending throughout the city bike-sharing service, reaching 10,000 by 2012 bike and car sharing service to reach 1,000 electric cars by 2012;
h. the extension of service hours of the underground lines up at 1.30 every night;
i. the upgrading of the taxi service by replacing the second round which guarantees up to 8 additional hours service ("second guide");
j. the restoration of the movement and loading and unloading goods in the circle of ramparts at the times of morning and afternoon peak traffic and the promotion of a logistics system with shared electric vehicle;
k. the extension of regulation of parking throughout the area including inside the "circle trolleybus and the surrounding areas of metropolitan axes, excluding the payment of only the residents and zero-emission vehicles;
l. a bonus of € 1,000, be spent in public transport services for the benefit of all the families that "scrap" the car without replacing it.

For the action plan there is a maximum expenditure additional to those already recorded in the municipal budget amounted to EUR 60 million per year, which will be covered by the increase in revenues from access, with a daily fee of € 5 for vehicles to transport people (by providing incentives for residents) and € 10 for goods vehicles, and waiting to be inserted with a special variation of the first budget in balance or at least useful.

2 Subject: Request for a referendum to double the address of trees and public parks and reduce soil

"Will you take the City of Milan tutti gli atti ed effettui tutte le azioni necessarie a: ridurre il consumo di suolo destinando almeno il 50% delle grandi superfici oggetto di riqualificazione urbanistica a verde pubblico ed escludendo l’assegnazione di diritti edificatori a fronte della realizzazione di “servizi” che comportino consumo di suolo; preservare gli alberi e le aree verdi esistenti; garantire il raddoppio del numero di alberi e dell’estensione e delle aree verdi e la loro interconnessione entro il 2015, assicurando che ogni residente abbia a disposizione un giardino pubblico con aree attrezzate per i bambini a una distanza non superiore a 500 metri da casa?”

Per l’intervento è prevista una spesa massima aggiuntiva rispetto a quanto già iscritto a bilancio comunale pari a 20 milioni di euro all’anno per un triennio da inserire con apposita variazione di bilancio o comunque nel primo bilancio utile, che sarà coperta mediante gli oneri di urbanizzazione relativi alle aree di intervento e mediante la tariffazione progressiva, al di sopra del normale consumo domestico individuale, nei servizi pubblici locali relativi all’uso di risorse ambientali scarse (come il servizio di fornitura idrica e la raccolta di rifiuti indifferenziati), nonché mediante sponsorizzazioni e coinvolgimento dei cittadini, anche seguendo il modello applicato alle aiuole dall’associazione “verde in comune” .

3 Oggetto: Richiesta Addressing a referendum to preserve the future of the park EXPO

"Do you wish that the City of Milan to take all acts and perform all actions necessary to ensure the integrated conservation of the agro-food park to be built on the EXPO site and its connection to the system of green areas and water? "

The project does not involve costs for the municipal budget.

4 Subject: Request for a consultative referendum of address for saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions

"Do you wish that the City of Milan adopts the plan for sustainable energy ed il clima che lo impegni negli obiettivi europei di riduzione di almeno il 20% delle emissioni di gas responsabili dell’effetto serra nel dimezzamento delle principali emissioni inquinanti connesse al riscaldamento degli edifici.
All’interno del piano devono essere previsti i seguenti interventi:
1. la conversione entro il 2012 di tutti gli impianti di riscaldamento alimentati a gasolio degli edifici comunali;
2. la conversione degli impianti di riscaldamento domestico alimentati a gasolio fino alla loro completa eliminazione entro il 2015;
3. la previsione della classe energetica di massima efficienza come standard di costruzione per tutti i nuovi edifici e l’utilizzo di fonti energetiche rinnovabili;
4. la promozione and the spread of district heating using renewable and efficient technologies in order to reach at least 750,000 population equivalents by 2015;
5. growth of waste prevention and recycling in line with European objectives, to recycle at least 50% of waste by 2020;
6. the granting of incentives for the demolition and reconstruction ("destruction") of the buildings in greater energy inefficiency and lack of historical and architectural value through premium volume? "

for the intervention and provided a maximum expenditure of 10 million additional € per year for three years to be included with appropriate variation budget or at least useful in the first budget, which will be covered by the partial disposal of municipal real estate assets through the instrument of real estate funds have already started, excluding buildings of historical monuments, as well as through the involvement of companies that make energy efficiency measures ( Esco) and activation of financing instruments for third parties. "

5 Subject: Request for a consultative referendum of address for the reopening of Milan's Navigli system

"Do you wish that the City of Milano will reset the dock as the city's port area and carried out gradually and ecological the reactivation of the landscape and hydraulic system of canals of Milan on the basis of a specific design path feasibility? "

surgery is scheduled for a maximum additional expenditure of 10 million euro per year for three years to be included with special change in the budget or at least useful in the first budget, which will be covered by the partial disposal of municipal real estate assets through the instrument of real estate funds have already started, excluding buildings of historical monuments.

Burning While Peeing During Your Period

Letter of Elio De Capitani, artistic director Elf Theatre Puccini

Dear Mark, Edward and Frederick,

environmental sustainability is not an ideology, how for years many have wanted to believe, and many would have you believe today.
It 's the way we know how to combine all our choices in a smart way to learn to live better, but in perspective I should say learn to survive.
It 's also a way to renegotiate intelligently - first of all in our heads, because it is rooted in society - the relationship between politics, technology, business, man and nature that undermines a central idea of \u200b\u200bculture as "caring" and " able to grow, "which reestablishes our actions to long-term and not the blinding frenzy of the moment and current as the only goal of modernity.
Sustainability brings together the strong interests in this and other interests, while weak now, but who can also think of those who come after us and can not comment now. Puts into play the relationship between generations, between past, present and future.
I am a theater artist, and I know what my skin is neglected in this country the value of symbolic exchange that occurs between audience and stage, a symbolic exchange generated from the same womb and in the same years of democracy: the laboratory in Athens. Reopen the lab, in the complexity of human life twenty-five centuries later, it is not easy, but it should be done.
Without the ability to counter the culturally overwhelming advance of a model society of the spectacle that all presentification plebeian plebiscite and makes every act of government, we will not go away, despite all our chameleonic ability to get by.
do our part as the city of Milan, also in our full and direct interest of citizens who live or work here, can and should be our first step.
adhere to this spirit, an idea that part of ecology also wants to combat environmental pollution, cultural pollution, the son of the customs clearance of ignorance as a new self-idolatry of the Italians.
The idea of \u200b\u200ba city referendum they propose is not utopian but practical and necessary. The advantage of Milan is also to be a relatively small city, manageable, and still relatively enjoyable.
subscribe and I will, I'm already doing my part. The also have a theater like our new Elf Puccini is zero emissions for the city is proud of: we want to do more. We would like the bike racks in front of the theater, the subway at night, the solar panels to produce its own energy as possible we need to run heat pumps, which are already levying of geothermal water for heating and cooling the water table our theater. As you can see
adhesion is very confident and I hope that many people adhere to this wonderful initiative as has happened in the lobby of our theater last night, during the evening of the Manifesto for Milan, which saw a turnout far exceeding expectations, a sign that citizens feel that you can not refuse to build a different future.
A hug.

Elio De Capitani

Alan Harper How Much Per Episode


Milan, June 16, 2010.

was held today the official handover of the five referendum questions for the quality of the environment and life in Milan. The founders of the organizing committee - Marco Cappato, Edoardo Croci, Enrico Fedrighini-handed to the President of the City Council Manfredi Palmeri texts accompanied by the signatures of the referendum of the first 100 subscribers, and said "we want to engage with these referendums l’opinione pubblica milanese per superare la paralisi della politica e finalmente compiere scelte di profonda innovazione a favore dell’ambiente e della qualità della vita; serve coraggio, responsabilità e impegno civico per uscire da una situazione di immobilismo e che danneggia la città e le impedisce di tenere il passo con le altre metropoli europee.”

A norma di Statuto, sarà ora il Comune a dover dare il via libera alla raccolta delle firme sugli appositi moduli; da quel momento, i promotori avranno 120 giorni di tempo per raccogliere le sottoscrizioni dell’1,5% dei cittadini milanesi, paria circa 15.000 firme. Del Comitato promotore sono entrati a far parte anche i consiglieri comunali Carlo Montalbetti and Giancarlo Pagliarini, as well as former President of the Regional Giancarlo Morandi. The themes of the five

referendum. 1) Reduce traffic and pollution through the enhancement of public transport, the extension of "ecopass" and the pedestrian area of \u200b\u200bdowntown, 2) Doubling the trees and public parks and reduce land consumption, 3) Keep the park of the future ' EXPO area,
4) Saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, 5) Restore the dock and reopen the system of canals in Milan.

Among the first hundred signatories and sponsors, are having the accessions:

Personality of the environmental world, such as: Valeria Corbella (President Parents Anti-smog), Andrea Poggio (national vice president of Legambiente), John Gotti (Vice-President WWF New York), Luca Carra (President of our Milan Italy), Amedeo Clavarino (founder Environment Milan), Emanuele gifts (President of Environmental Engineering), Mario Zambrini (President of the Association of Environmental Analysts), Ludovico Grandi (former President ACI);

politicians, such as: David Runner (City Councilman), former President of the Province of Milan, Michele D'Elia Pietro Ichino (Parliamentary), Monguzzi Carlo, Marco Di Salvo (Secretary dell'Assocaizione Radical homeless) Nicola Fortune (Commissioner PLI New York), Francesco Poiré (Secretary of the Radical Enzo Tortora) Pierangelo Rossi (former municipal councilor);

Academics and representatives of associations , such as the Expo project architect Stefano Boeri ( adheres to the questions about mobility and Expo ), Frank Morgan (co-founder of MI06), Otto Bitjoka (President of the Foundation Etnoland), the Professors of Environmental Economics at Bocconi University Francesco Bertolini, Luigi De Paoli, Augusto Ninni, Stefano and Alessandro Poguz De Carli, as well as Stefano Rolando (IULM), Giulio Cossu (San Raffaele Hospital), Franco Santini, Edward King (Promotion of Social Networks and natural), Anna Maria Spina (Union of Italian Women)

From the world of culture: the journalist and TV presenter Paola Maugeri, writer Andrea Pinketts, comedians Antonio Cornacchione, Diego Parassole and Debora Villa, publisher and director Massimo Coppola, the literary critic Gianpaolo Serino.

The movie audio-video presentation of the first brands

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Where I Can Find Real Aquamarine

Interview with Vincent Bosica, author of Irregular

The young author in search of Pescara the mysterious and against the practice engages in a new yellow-PESCARA

Irregular is the first cyberpunk novel Bosica Vincent, a young author whose creativity led him often rich and multifaceted aspects of life to deepen anything but trivial .

Capsule After his first novel in 2009, an essay on modern science magazine with irony and a personal style that won him acclaim from audiences and critics, this time Bosica engages in a novel set in the not too distant and not too far-fetched.

graphic designer by profession, with a wealth of scientific and philosophical studies, the young author Pescara is attracted by what is eccentric and incomprehensible, often by extraordinary developments which may lead to scientific discoveries, from the direction that the future will take, how much and how he will be able to adapt to it, on this basis is revealed his latest masterpiece : a dystopian sci-fi noir, with a strong personality, which leaves little room for understanding and benevolent feelings and the reader comes to reining in a vise with its fast paced narrative.

The work in fact we read in one go despite the constant presence of science fiction and technological environments to reproducing the legendary Blade Runner in a futuristic police thriller. The technological features are highly detailed, while the main characters are complex and imperfect, and contaminated defects with nerves on edge.

The plot unfolds through a murky and dangerous investigation of a brutal murder, which ends to weave events and personalities at a phenomenal rate, in a world polluted by violence and eroded over the limit, where the average life expectancy has surpassed the century through and empowering alternative to cybernetic implants. And 'in fact the story of Shaun Morrison detective investigating the case with all technological means available to find himself faced with someone who goes beyond the law, beyond the normal, beyond the rules: an illegal.

Despite its peculiarities the composition is for everyone, not just for fans of the genre, which features dazzling interludes of action, a plot worthy of the best yellow and above all, manages to give a breath of freshness to the narrative fiction Italian

To learn more about the Abruzzo young author who calls himself

belonging to a group of people who are over the top, constantly crossing the barrier is commonly defined and considered normal, constantly struggle with everything that is routine and commonplace

we asked the simple questions to which you kindly responded:

Bosica Vincent, a native of Montesilvano, as and what do you think its really the Abruzzese has influenced his art of composition?

R - hard to discern which and how many details could have affected my literary ability. Every element, every place, every person who has gone through my life has left an echo in me, not necessarily pleasant, which has helped to build what they are. Hence my constant search for ever new stimuli, to have a permanent evolution, in my life, as in my compositions.

From writer and graphic designer, two art forms fascinating: In which of the two do you think his soul is better able to express themselves?

R - Graph have been for many years, writer recently, so the two art forms can not have a yardstick equally. However, I can definitely say that both roads are covered with absolute passion and constant search for innovation and originality. These characteristics make my designs unique, sometimes impenetrable.

Surely an author who does not want to align common genres: science fiction, but fiction is able to have adequate space in the Italian literature? The external view sees better?

R - We start from the premise that unpleasant states in Italy and badly. That said, we can say that in Italian literature the work of science fiction ha uno spazio tristemente angusto, che però tende a incrementare in concomitanza con eventi cinematografici di grande produzione, così come per tutti i generi irreali. Oggi basta affacciarsi in libreria e vedere interi scaffali dedicati ai vampiri, a seguito del fenomeno Meyer. Oppure possiamo ricordare la grande proliferazione di letteratura Fantasy seguita all’uscita cinematografica del capolavoro di Tolkien. Tutto questo accade anche all’estero, ma anche in assenza di questi eventi cinematografici, generalmente la narrativa fantascientifica è ben apprezzata e acquistata.

Focalizzandoci sulla sua recente opera: nella stesura ha riportato le ambientazioni alla Blade Runner ,come mai ? e ha altri punti di riferimento che vorrebbe explicit in subsequent narratives?

R - Blade Runner is a masterpiece of science fiction cinema, but do not forget that it is also a transposition of a famous novel of a science fiction author, Philip K. Dick, the same author which have been drawn other great films such as Minority Report, Scanner Darkly, Total Recall. In my novel IRREGULAR these locations have been collected and specially transfigured. I do not hesitate to admit that there is always something to learn before the great authors that their work ahead of his time. My use of elements from other writers is a tribute to their name. Surely even in my later stories will special dedicated the great science fiction, but is seen and processed.

Staying with the theme of his latest work: his personal 'lotta'contro the usual platitudes and think that has helped or hindered in the times to have his accomplishments?

A - not wanting to conform and be subject to a system of mass-thinking makes everything more difficult. Let me quote an aphorism of John Stuart Mill: Originality is the only thing those who are not original can not understand the utility. They do not see what the maid, and how could they? If you could, it would not be more than originality. For this reason, as well as formal notice of everything that you can not fully understand, we tend to hinder those who originality his way of life.

For the future already has other projects planned, what can we expect?

R - The projects never end: their absence would mean to stop being what they are. I can assure my readers that IRREGULAR will follow, which will be called irrational, a novel that will address some deeper issues in the first opera were treated briefly. At the same time I can also say that work will be completely different from before, even in the style of writing: preaching originality, not I could do something very different!


Where To Find Legendaries On Deluge

Where do you find the book in Italy


Via C. DE LUCA No de Lollis Tel 0871 330 154 12/14


Via degli Alfani No 84/86
055 2398800


Via Principe Eugenio n. Tel 314 948 2002 28


Via Teramo n. 27
Tel. 085 2056090

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Tel. 085 9431867



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Tel. 06 39722159


Piazza Carlo Felice 15/85
Tel. 011 535897


Via Adriatica 20
Tel. 0858942671


Corso San Giorgio 128
Tel. 0861 243602


Via A. Tel 46 119 0872 3 Cacciaguerra


Via Rizzoli 18


course Pietro Vannucci, 78/82


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What's The Small Black Spot On Skin

Open clods

"Open the turf" is the title of a small book that the writer Anna Rita Smiraglia, his first literary experience, asked me to present "as counselor." I do so with much pleasure because it is the story of a change. Page after page we follow the hard work and the joy of a revival, the rediscovery of his dignity and a new identity. It 's the story of many women who decide to break with the past and open up a new life. It 's the story of every human being who, like a seed, it needs to crack while living wildlife, to open up the turf "to finally re-find his place in the world. The merits of this book is in my opinion, especially these three:

speaks of many, gives voice to so many daily stories that are generally kept secret ... Between the pages of this book we meet because it is only partly autobiographical and is made with many fragments of stories united by the sole female narrator. Sometimes we believe that our life is unworthy of narration, trivial. Instead it is a merit and is the author of giving voice to this life insespressa daily.

We read about this character who goes through phases of good and bad, moments of momentum of intense and grueling moments of loneliness, abandonment and transport, ... In this emotional swing, however, the protagonist makes a gradual maturation. It is a path that is a little 're-birth that, like any birth, is headed by a labor (and women know this much better than us boys) ... So even the re-birth of this hero / protagonist of us is accompanied by fatigue, from difficult experiences, but the bitterness just like a real nscita, the life that you find yourself in his hands at the end is so precious and beautiful and valuable fruit that you focus on this beautiful, thank God .. and to hell with the suffering! We

readers page after page we are tempted to change. To read our daily efforts in a different light.
I believe that there is an absurd and unnecessary pain should be avoided that. But sometimes grow, change, life involves clear limits, fatigue and pain inevitable that can make sense . It is not automatic, "may make sense" if we build a story of change through this pain, this effort ... E quindi è un libro di speranza perché fa partecipare il lettore a queste fatiche, ma fa gustare anche la bellezza di questo cambiamento. E quale è questo cambiamento?
Io credo che sia questo il messaggio del libro. Mi dispiace che qualche lettore disattento o superficiale possa leggerlo come un libro sui matrimoni che finiscono. La questione è più sottile e più ricca. Infatti, soprattutto nella secodna parte, fa capolino il tema delle SCELTE.
La voce narrante, riflettendo su quello che ha vissuto nel passato e che sta vivendo nel presente, decide, choose. Two verbs are easy to pronounce but not to live because ...

- we always let others choose for us and we no longer know how to do it ...

- decide etymologically means CUT, give something up sharply in favor of something else ...

- also means taking the responsibility to decide in case of error: If I decide things go wrong and the mistake I did ... decides if I can always blame the other for life, the fate ... and there are many people who do not want to decide not to abandon this child comfortable and de-empowerment
The voice of the author tells us instead one of accountability and in this case, follow the decision-making process encourages the reader to make their own choices in life, not to wait for a happiness model "Prince Charming" but to make this a different, better for themselves and for others. At the beginning of this story, the narrator become aware of this, even if it costs hard work and says: "Sometimes we live the hardships and humiliations feebly accepting everything because we now mark our path. And we sit that going , we proceed along the road of our existence to inertia. The squalor of life is to resign themselves to stay where you are because you think you can not have a emglio, deserve to more "(p. 23).
Then page after page we participate in this process that takes time ... and last pages, the path is completed. you will never go back and read the very strong words that I wish all to be able to say sooner or later in life: "It 's time to live, to love ourselves, to be myself. Now that I'm finally free to be myself "(p. 77).

Stroke Affecting Speech Only

The dates of submission of the novel IRREGULAR Vincent Bosica

Cena Letteraria - Montesilvano - 3 Dicembre 2010 - ore 21:00 - Osteria San Francesco
(presentazione e reading - a cura dell' Montesilvano Scrive)

Circolo Overlook , Via dei Marrucini, Pescara - Domenica 28 Novembre 2010 - ore 18:00
(presentazione libro per l'evento Thè e libri misti organizzato dalla So.Ha.)

Museo Vittoria Colonna - Pescara - 18 Novembre 2010 alle ore 18:00
(presentazione del libro per il Festival delle Letterature dell'Adriatico)

Ottobre, piovono libri - Teramo - 27 Ottobre 2010 ore 17.00
(presentazione del libro)

Metropolis: Torino Futura
- Torino - 24 Ottobre 2010 ore 14.00
(presentazione del libro, con mostra opere dell'autore)

Libreria Libernauta - Pescara - 16 Ottobre 2010 ore 18.00
(presentazione del libro)

Book Avenue - On line - 14 Ottobre 2010 ore 21.00
(presentazione del libro)

Circolo Culturale Chaikana - Roseto degli Abruzzi - 10 Ottobre 2010 ore 21.00
(presentazione del libro)

Montesilvano writes - Montesilvano - October 3, 2010 at 17:00
(presentation of the book, the author promised to write the match)

expressively - Teramo - October 2, 2010 at 18:00
(presentation of the book with show works by the author)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Baby Welcome Party Invitations

Our video





Thursday, June 3, 2010

Female Wrestler Outfits

Cappato, Crosses, Fedrighini throw together the referendum on the environment in Milan


The audio-video press conference :

Milan, 3 June 2010

was held today's press conference submitting proposals for referendums Milan by Marco Cappato, Edoardo Croci, Enrico Fedrighini.
The referendum project aims to achieve in a few years a revolution in the transport system, energy and generating a profound improvement in air quality, mobility, green in Milan. With this referendum, popular initiative promoters want to involve citizens in a large and innovative project for urban liveability now compromised due to the inertia of the political class and conditioning exerted by interests far from promoting the common good. The success of the objectives referendum would be crucial to make Milan a city that is leading in the world in terms of quality of life and environment in the direction of the original spirit of Expo 2015.
The following is a summary of the questions are open to accession by personalities, associations, political and social forces, and that will be finalized and filed in the coming days in accordance with council regulations, to be able to start collecting the necessary signatures (1.5 % of those registered to vote, representing about 15,000 citizens).

Marco Cappato : "We want to prevent the Milan International Expo to be the capital of speculation and pollution. Our referendum is the tool to force the ruling strata, inert the abandonment of the model based on private car, cement and polluting sources of energy: a model that we pay in terms of economic life. "

Edoardo Croci :" We want to give voice to Milan to build a city more livable and with international projection, at a time when politics seems unable to express long-term vision and have the courage to assume the responsibilities necessary to combat pollution and improve environmental quality, as evidenced by the ' Ecopass and uncertainty on the development of the entire strategy for sustainable mobility. "

Henry Fedrighini : "The year is lacking in the elections will be marked by the complete inaction of local law enforcement to traffic and smog. The lungs of Milan can not afford it. For this application this year for a civic battle aimed at changing the face of this city, with the direct involvement of the people contaminated. "

Weird Iron Like Taste In Mouth


for the extension of: Ecopass, Metro, bicycle paths, pedestrian areas

order to halve the traffic, extend the Congestion Charge and "ring station", to exclude only autovelicoli zero emissions from the payment di 5 euro al giorno (10 per trasporto merci); estendere le aree di sosta regolamentata; limitare il carico-scarico merci; mantenere gli impegni sulle linee 4 e 5 del Metrò e completare l'anello ferroviario; destinare i ricavi per: estendere aree pedonali, piste ciclabili (274km), corsie riservate, bus di quartiere, bike sharing (10.000 bici), car sharing (1.000 auto elettriche), secondo turno taxi, metrò fino all'1 e 30 di notte.

Referendum 2: EXPO
per impedire la cementificazione dell'area Expo

Perché l'area del parco Agroalimentare non sia edificabile neanche dopo lo svolgimento dell'Expo 2015.

Referendum 3: NAVIGLI
per riaprire i Navigli

Per riaprire l'intero sistema dei Navigli, oggi sepolti sotto le strade, partendo dal recupero della Darsena come porto di Milano. (da finanziare attraverso la cessione del patrimonio immobiliare non storico)

per raddoppiare il verde pubblico e ridurre il consumo del suolo

Per raddoppiare il verde pubblico entro il 2015 (fino a 30 mq per abitante) e piantare 100.000 alberi all’anno; ridurre il consumo di suolo, escludendo la possibilità di assegnare nuovi diritti volumetrici e destinando a verde pubblico almeno il 50% delle grandi aree dismesse ed ex-ferroviarie (da financed through sponsorship, infrastructure costs through pricing and consumption of scarce environmental resources, to be implemented with the involvement of citizens); prohibit underground car parks which destroy trees;

for: clean energy, building destruction, district heating, energy efficiency

maximum energy efficiency standards for new buildings, "Construction destruction" of the commercial real quality to replace them with buildings with low environmental impact by rewarding investment in innovative energy systems; stop the heating oil by 2012, district heating to 750,000 inhabitants by 2015

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The referendum question to address the Municipal Advisory Referendum

Article 11.3 of the Statute of the Commune of Milan The establishing a consultative referendum address, an instrument of popular initiative in the hands of citizens to propose guidelines and decisions on matters of municipal competence.

11 - Referendum and People's Proposal to Address
3. E 'consultative referendum called for guidelines to address or decide the responsibility of the City, or in respect of which the municipality is entitled to express an opinion or a proposal, when requested by the 1, 5% of people registered to vote in the City or a quarter of the local council, by resolution approved by a majority of Councillors.

13 - Effect of Referendum
1. Following the referendum in article 11 the court or municipal authority shall act on the subject of the referendum within 60 days from the announcement of the outcome of the consultation when it is favorable to the proposal or question submitted to referendum, where it intends to act without comply with the notice of the electors, it shall specify the reasons.

The Regulations for the implementation of the rights of popular participation:

Signatures required: 15,000 signatures (1.5% of voters in Milan)

time for the collection : 120 days

• Period of calling the referendum : between 30 and 70 days after completing the verification of eligibility

Quorum: The proposal submitted to referendum is approved will result if the majority of the votes validly cast, provided that he took part in the vote at least 30% of eligible

The Statute of the City of Milan
Regulations for the implementation of the Rights of People's Participation