Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Jenna Haze Vs Og Mudbone

5 Referendum: the texts of the questions

Quesiti referendari al Comune di Milano

1 Oggetto: Richiesta di referendum consultivo d’indirizzo per ridurre traffico and pollution through the enhancement of public transport, the extension of "ecopass" and the pedestrian area of \u200b\u200bdowntown

"Do you wish that the City of Milan adopting and implementing a plan of action to enhance public transport and mobility" clean " alternative to the car, through the extension to all vehicles (except for zero emission) Progressive enlargement to the "railway ring" of the system access fee, with the goal of halving the traffic and pollution.
In particular, the action required are: a.
the strengthening of the Milan subway system with the completion of lines 4 and 5 by 2015;
b. doubling by 2012 of the extension of pedestrian areas, both in the center on the outskirts, including lots for the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe ring of canals from the "Quadrangle of Fashion";
c. doubling by 2012 to moderate traffic areas (areas with 30 km / h) and the implementation of measures for road safety of residential neighborhoods;
d. the creation by 2015 of a network of trails and bike routes integrated and secure at least 300 km, and a doubling by 2012 of the parking stalls for bikes;
e. preferencing and protection of all public transport lines by 2015 in order to increase speed and regularity;
f. introduced throughout the city, from suburban areas, a service popular day and night of "neighborhood bus" service that makes the individual homes to major public transport stops, at no additional cost compared to the ticket;
g. extending throughout the city bike-sharing service, reaching 10,000 by 2012 bike and car sharing service to reach 1,000 electric cars by 2012;
h. the extension of service hours of the underground lines up at 1.30 every night;
i. the upgrading of the taxi service by replacing the second round which guarantees up to 8 additional hours service ("second guide");
j. the restoration of the movement and loading and unloading goods in the circle of ramparts at the times of morning and afternoon peak traffic and the promotion of a logistics system with shared electric vehicle;
k. the extension of regulation of parking throughout the area including inside the "circle trolleybus and the surrounding areas of metropolitan axes, excluding the payment of only the residents and zero-emission vehicles;
l. a bonus of € 1,000, be spent in public transport services for the benefit of all the families that "scrap" the car without replacing it.

For the action plan there is a maximum expenditure additional to those already recorded in the municipal budget amounted to EUR 60 million per year, which will be covered by the increase in revenues from access, with a daily fee of € 5 for vehicles to transport people (by providing incentives for residents) and € 10 for goods vehicles, and waiting to be inserted with a special variation of the first budget in balance or at least useful.

2 Subject: Request for a referendum to double the address of trees and public parks and reduce soil

"Will you take the City of Milan tutti gli atti ed effettui tutte le azioni necessarie a: ridurre il consumo di suolo destinando almeno il 50% delle grandi superfici oggetto di riqualificazione urbanistica a verde pubblico ed escludendo l’assegnazione di diritti edificatori a fronte della realizzazione di “servizi” che comportino consumo di suolo; preservare gli alberi e le aree verdi esistenti; garantire il raddoppio del numero di alberi e dell’estensione e delle aree verdi e la loro interconnessione entro il 2015, assicurando che ogni residente abbia a disposizione un giardino pubblico con aree attrezzate per i bambini a una distanza non superiore a 500 metri da casa?”

Per l’intervento è prevista una spesa massima aggiuntiva rispetto a quanto già iscritto a bilancio comunale pari a 20 milioni di euro all’anno per un triennio da inserire con apposita variazione di bilancio o comunque nel primo bilancio utile, che sarà coperta mediante gli oneri di urbanizzazione relativi alle aree di intervento e mediante la tariffazione progressiva, al di sopra del normale consumo domestico individuale, nei servizi pubblici locali relativi all’uso di risorse ambientali scarse (come il servizio di fornitura idrica e la raccolta di rifiuti indifferenziati), nonché mediante sponsorizzazioni e coinvolgimento dei cittadini, anche seguendo il modello applicato alle aiuole dall’associazione “verde in comune” .

3 Oggetto: Richiesta Addressing a referendum to preserve the future of the park EXPO

"Do you wish that the City of Milan to take all acts and perform all actions necessary to ensure the integrated conservation of the agro-food park to be built on the EXPO site and its connection to the system of green areas and water? "

The project does not involve costs for the municipal budget.

4 Subject: Request for a consultative referendum of address for saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions

"Do you wish that the City of Milan adopts the plan for sustainable energy ed il clima che lo impegni negli obiettivi europei di riduzione di almeno il 20% delle emissioni di gas responsabili dell’effetto serra nel dimezzamento delle principali emissioni inquinanti connesse al riscaldamento degli edifici.
All’interno del piano devono essere previsti i seguenti interventi:
1. la conversione entro il 2012 di tutti gli impianti di riscaldamento alimentati a gasolio degli edifici comunali;
2. la conversione degli impianti di riscaldamento domestico alimentati a gasolio fino alla loro completa eliminazione entro il 2015;
3. la previsione della classe energetica di massima efficienza come standard di costruzione per tutti i nuovi edifici e l’utilizzo di fonti energetiche rinnovabili;
4. la promozione and the spread of district heating using renewable and efficient technologies in order to reach at least 750,000 population equivalents by 2015;
5. growth of waste prevention and recycling in line with European objectives, to recycle at least 50% of waste by 2020;
6. the granting of incentives for the demolition and reconstruction ("destruction") of the buildings in greater energy inefficiency and lack of historical and architectural value through premium volume? "

for the intervention and provided a maximum expenditure of 10 million additional € per year for three years to be included with appropriate variation budget or at least useful in the first budget, which will be covered by the partial disposal of municipal real estate assets through the instrument of real estate funds have already started, excluding buildings of historical monuments, as well as through the involvement of companies that make energy efficiency measures ( Esco) and activation of financing instruments for third parties. "

5 Subject: Request for a consultative referendum of address for the reopening of Milan's Navigli system

"Do you wish that the City of Milano will reset the dock as the city's port area and carried out gradually and ecological the reactivation of the landscape and hydraulic system of canals of Milan on the basis of a specific design path feasibility? "

surgery is scheduled for a maximum additional expenditure of 10 million euro per year for three years to be included with special change in the budget or at least useful in the first budget, which will be covered by the partial disposal of municipal real estate assets through the instrument of real estate funds have already started, excluding buildings of historical monuments.


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