Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Alan Harper How Much Per Episode


Milan, June 16, 2010.

was held today the official handover of the five referendum questions for the quality of the environment and life in Milan. The founders of the organizing committee - Marco Cappato, Edoardo Croci, Enrico Fedrighini-handed to the President of the City Council Manfredi Palmeri texts accompanied by the signatures of the referendum of the first 100 subscribers, and said "we want to engage with these referendums l’opinione pubblica milanese per superare la paralisi della politica e finalmente compiere scelte di profonda innovazione a favore dell’ambiente e della qualità della vita; serve coraggio, responsabilità e impegno civico per uscire da una situazione di immobilismo e che danneggia la città e le impedisce di tenere il passo con le altre metropoli europee.”

A norma di Statuto, sarà ora il Comune a dover dare il via libera alla raccolta delle firme sugli appositi moduli; da quel momento, i promotori avranno 120 giorni di tempo per raccogliere le sottoscrizioni dell’1,5% dei cittadini milanesi, paria circa 15.000 firme. Del Comitato promotore sono entrati a far parte anche i consiglieri comunali Carlo Montalbetti and Giancarlo Pagliarini, as well as former President of the Regional Giancarlo Morandi. The themes of the five

referendum. 1) Reduce traffic and pollution through the enhancement of public transport, the extension of "ecopass" and the pedestrian area of \u200b\u200bdowntown, 2) Doubling the trees and public parks and reduce land consumption, 3) Keep the park of the future ' EXPO area,
4) Saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, 5) Restore the dock and reopen the system of canals in Milan.

Among the first hundred signatories and sponsors, are having the accessions:

Personality of the environmental world, such as: Valeria Corbella (President Parents Anti-smog), Andrea Poggio (national vice president of Legambiente), John Gotti (Vice-President WWF New York), Luca Carra (President of our Milan Italy), Amedeo Clavarino (founder Environment Milan), Emanuele gifts (President of Environmental Engineering), Mario Zambrini (President of the Association of Environmental Analysts), Ludovico Grandi (former President ACI);

politicians, such as: David Runner (City Councilman), former President of the Province of Milan, Michele D'Elia Pietro Ichino (Parliamentary), Monguzzi Carlo, Marco Di Salvo (Secretary dell'Assocaizione Radical homeless) Nicola Fortune (Commissioner PLI New York), Francesco Poiré (Secretary of the Radical Enzo Tortora) Pierangelo Rossi (former municipal councilor);

Academics and representatives of associations , such as the Expo project architect Stefano Boeri ( adheres to the questions about mobility and Expo ), Frank Morgan (co-founder of MI06), Otto Bitjoka (President of the Foundation Etnoland), the Professors of Environmental Economics at Bocconi University Francesco Bertolini, Luigi De Paoli, Augusto Ninni, Stefano and Alessandro Poguz De Carli, as well as Stefano Rolando (IULM), Giulio Cossu (San Raffaele Hospital), Franco Santini, Edward King (Promotion of Social Networks and natural), Anna Maria Spina (Union of Italian Women)

From the world of culture: the journalist and TV presenter Paola Maugeri, writer Andrea Pinketts, comedians Antonio Cornacchione, Diego Parassole and Debora Villa, publisher and director Massimo Coppola, the literary critic Gianpaolo Serino.

The movie audio-video presentation of the first brands


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