Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What's The Small Black Spot On Skin

Open clods

"Open the turf" is the title of a small book that the writer Anna Rita Smiraglia, his first literary experience, asked me to present "as counselor." I do so with much pleasure because it is the story of a change. Page after page we follow the hard work and the joy of a revival, the rediscovery of his dignity and a new identity. It 's the story of many women who decide to break with the past and open up a new life. It 's the story of every human being who, like a seed, it needs to crack while living wildlife, to open up the turf "to finally re-find his place in the world. The merits of this book is in my opinion, especially these three:

speaks of many, gives voice to so many daily stories that are generally kept secret ... Between the pages of this book we meet because it is only partly autobiographical and is made with many fragments of stories united by the sole female narrator. Sometimes we believe that our life is unworthy of narration, trivial. Instead it is a merit and is the author of giving voice to this life insespressa daily.

We read about this character who goes through phases of good and bad, moments of momentum of intense and grueling moments of loneliness, abandonment and transport, ... In this emotional swing, however, the protagonist makes a gradual maturation. It is a path that is a little 're-birth that, like any birth, is headed by a labor (and women know this much better than us boys) ... So even the re-birth of this hero / protagonist of us is accompanied by fatigue, from difficult experiences, but the bitterness just like a real nscita, the life that you find yourself in his hands at the end is so precious and beautiful and valuable fruit that you focus on this beautiful, thank God .. and to hell with the suffering! We

readers page after page we are tempted to change. To read our daily efforts in a different light.
I believe that there is an absurd and unnecessary pain should be avoided that. But sometimes grow, change, life involves clear limits, fatigue and pain inevitable that can make sense . It is not automatic, "may make sense" if we build a story of change through this pain, this effort ... E quindi è un libro di speranza perché fa partecipare il lettore a queste fatiche, ma fa gustare anche la bellezza di questo cambiamento. E quale è questo cambiamento?
Io credo che sia questo il messaggio del libro. Mi dispiace che qualche lettore disattento o superficiale possa leggerlo come un libro sui matrimoni che finiscono. La questione è più sottile e più ricca. Infatti, soprattutto nella secodna parte, fa capolino il tema delle SCELTE.
La voce narrante, riflettendo su quello che ha vissuto nel passato e che sta vivendo nel presente, decide, choose. Two verbs are easy to pronounce but not to live because ...

- we always let others choose for us and we no longer know how to do it ...

- decide etymologically means CUT, give something up sharply in favor of something else ...

- also means taking the responsibility to decide in case of error: If I decide things go wrong and the mistake I did ... decides if I can always blame the other for life, the fate ... and there are many people who do not want to decide not to abandon this child comfortable and de-empowerment
The voice of the author tells us instead one of accountability and in this case, follow the decision-making process encourages the reader to make their own choices in life, not to wait for a happiness model "Prince Charming" but to make this a different, better for themselves and for others. At the beginning of this story, the narrator become aware of this, even if it costs hard work and says: "Sometimes we live the hardships and humiliations feebly accepting everything because we now mark our path. And we sit that going , we proceed along the road of our existence to inertia. The squalor of life is to resign themselves to stay where you are because you think you can not have a emglio, deserve to more "(p. 23).
Then page after page we participate in this process that takes time ... and last pages, the path is completed. you will never go back and read the very strong words that I wish all to be able to say sooner or later in life: "It 's time to live, to love ourselves, to be myself. Now that I'm finally free to be myself "(p. 77).


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