Thursday, July 29, 2010

Redkin Color Line Level 3

REFERENDUM, signs, even in summer

Dal 17 al 19 settembre i “referendum days”
Expo: no alla speculazione, si conservi il parco
Richiesta al Sindaco: i dipendenti comunali autentichino le firme

Milano, 29 luglio 2010.

Referendum, si firma anche d’estate. Da due settimane si è aperta la raccolta delle firme presso i banchetti e presso l’anagrafe di via Larga 12, via Messina 52 e in tutte le sedi dei consigli di area, which will continue into August. August will be maintained throughout a night to gather signatures to the Columns of San Lorenzo. In September there will be a campaign with "referendum days, 17-19, with hundreds of tables all over the city and daily events related to the topics of the referendum. Today, the presentation of the founders Marco Cappato, Edoardo Croci, Enrico Fedrighini. With them some of the other promoters Montalbetti Carlo, Giancarlo Pagliarini, Giancarlo Morandi with the addition of Henry Marcora now. Among the new members: Professors Francesco Giavazzi and Marco Vitale, chef Pietro Leemann, architects Jacopo Gardella, Cino Zucchi el'ambientalista Marco Parini.

"In this being unable to take care of the old politics of development in the collective interest of the city really paying attention to the quality of the environment and respect the rules - have said the promoters - the referenda is a great opportunity for citizens to reclaim the right to ask what kind of future they want for their city. "

In August, continuing the tables. 17-18-19 The September "Referendum Days
tables to collect signatures in August will not stop. In addition to the opportunity to sign at the offices of the Councils of the area during the week will be held at least a night table to the columns of San Lorenzo. In September then the collection points multiply. They are called the "Days Referendum" for 17-18-19 September, with the goal of at least 100 tables in the city.

how to join. The conduct of the referendum requires a subscription to queries from at least 15,000 by November 6, 2010 in Milan. Contributions and donations may be made at Banca Intesa-San Paolo bank account 1000/3586, addressed to: Organizing Committee for referendum Milan, IBAN: IT88 F030 6901 6151 0000 0003 586. sites and will be constantly updated signature collection points, events, sponsors and donations.

methods of certain political and methods Clerks. "There are growing fronts of judicial inquiries which directly Milan and Lombardy - say the promoters - some of which related to the themes of its environmental safety. Without even considering the merits of issues that concern the field of justice, as promoters of the Committee for the 5 Milanosimuove referendum as we acknowledge in this context will become increasingly difficult for policy makers to take responsibility for choices such as those relating to urgent ' environment, mobility and quality of life in Milan. For this reason, we believe that the direct involvement of citizens is becoming more essential to a method to release policy Milan paralysis and helplessness that the methods of a certain policy has so far imposed on the citizens of Milan. "

Expo. "The battle between the Expo City, Province and Region - promoters say - is emblematic of institutional power conditioned by committees of business and special interests that clash without any consideration to safeguard the public interest. One of the 5 referendum promoted by Milanosimuove concerns precisely the only point on which the contenders seem to agree: the Buildable areas after the Expo. In order for the Expo is not reduced to mere speculation, institutions must be committed to maintaining the park food even after 2015, that is, thinking of it as a work for the benefit of the city permanently. "

The Mayor's refusal to delegate staff to authenticate the signatures. "Mayor Moratti - say the promoters - denied permits to city employees in order to authenticate, outside office, the signatures on the referendum. In this way the local authority places a huge obstacle to the organizing committee, which will make use of authenticators fee. We hope that the mayor will reconsider this decision, which threatens to leave the paper the right to participate direct citizen, reserving the popular initiative to organizations already well structured and financed, that is the kind that do not need them. "

Thursday, July 15, 2010

What Kind Of Doctor Do You See For Bloody Stool

Where can I sign the referendum petition

WHO can sign

can subscribe to the referendum only citizens registered to vote in the City of Milan.
The signatures must be affixed on the form prepared and certified by the City.

Where can I sign

Every day from Monday to Friday:
- Electoral Office of Milan, Via Messina 52, 8:30 to 12:00 hours and 14:30 to 15:30.
- Population Headquarters, Via Larga 12, 8:30 to 15:30 Open all
- In Town Offices Via Marino 7 (Councillors Fedrighini, Montalbetti, Pagliarini)
- In all the delegations of the Board of the City of Milan
Zone Zone 1 - Zone 2 via Marconi 2
- Viale Zara 100
Zone 3 - 9 via Sansovino
Zone 4 - via Oglio 18
zone 5 - Viale Tibaldi 41
zone 6 - 54 avenue Roman Legions
zone 7 - by Anselmo da Baggio 55
zone 8 - by 21 Quarenghi
zone 9 - 38 Via Guerzoni

Banquet will be set up, especially evening in the streets of the city and at the premises of events in the city.
find tables on the list

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Manufacturer Of The Emperor Ts

Primo Banquet in dock

Tuesday July 13, from 21.30 onwards will be held on the first table to collect signatures for the Referendum in Milan at the dock.
The appointment is on a corner Gorizia Ripa di Porta Ticinese.

Monday, July 12, 2010

How Long Will Tin Of Anchovies Keep After Opening


Milan, July 12, 2010. E 'was presented today at Palazzo Marino on the referendum campaign for five of the environment and quality of life for which, today, the citizens of Milan will sign. The City of Milan has in fact validated, according to the statute, signatures of the first 100 subscribers who were delivered in June and launched the certification forms for the collection of signatures. They have already signed up as sponsors of the initiative, launched by Marco Cappato, Edoardo Croci, Enrico Fedrighini, personality of the civil society, culture and politics. The presentation was attended, among others, local councilors and Montalbetti Charles Giancarlo Pagliarini.

Objectives To provide its citizens with health and standard of living appropriate to a modern metropolis, Milan needs to revolutionize transport systems, energy and green.
most recent scientific studies have found that if they were taken bold measures needed to improve the quality of air, earning a year and a half of life to the head, avoided 1,000 deaths a year and get sick less. Especially children, the elderly and the most vulnerable and lower income they would have an immediate benefit. Unfortunately, the policy of building it is unable to take bold and far-sighted choices. The referendum is the only way to give citizens the right to choose their future.

How and where

E 'match the referendum initiative "MilanoSìMuove. In fact, today, Monday, July 12, you can subscribe to the fifth referendum.
E 'can sign electoral office of the City of Milan, Via Messina 52 from 8.30 to 12 and from 14.30 to 15.30. From Wednesday, you can also sign at all locations of the zones and registration offices.
Il comitato promotore organizzerà tavoli di raccolta firme in concomitanza con i principali appuntamento dell'estate milanese: sono già stati prenotati gli spazi per i banchetti di raccolta firme per l’intero mese di luglio presso Darsena e Colonne di S. Lorenzo e nei giorni di svolgimento delle manifestazioni estive presso l’Arena civica in occasione del “Milano jazzin’ festival” (dal 12 luglio al 2 agosto) e presso della rassegna “notturni musicali” presso la Villa Reale di Via Palestro (tutti i giovedì e sabati dal 15 al 31 luglio).


I promotori sono un gruppo trasversale di cittadini, con esperienze diverse nella politica, nella cultura, nella science and research, the environment and society, convinced that we should take action first person to turn Milan into a more healthy and livable. A civic movement that does not believe that these choices can be delegated to the parties.


The subscription queries from at least 15,000 Milanese (1, 5% of those registered to vote, according to the rules of the City) by November 6, 2010 will lead the call for a vote of all residents comment on the questions. If at least 30% of voters go to vote and SI 'will prevail, the requests will take the value of a clear direction to municipal bodies. But it is mainly the mobilization Municipal recent months that will give strong signal for a turn. Cash flow

The referendum with the self-sustaining activities of volunteers and donations from citizens. Each entry and exit will be publicly accounted for on the website. Contributions and donations may be made at Banca Intesa-San Paolo bank account 1000/3586, addressed to: Organizing Committee for referendum Milan, IBAN: IT88 F030 6901 6151 0000 0003 586


The referendum campaign has as its logo represents the civic mobilization MilanoSìMuove. Si (accent) is surrounded by a green leaf-shaped cathedral of Milan. sites and will be constantly updated signature collection points, events, sponsors and donations.


referendum.milano @
Lorenzo Lipparini

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Paschal Candle Labeled

the imminent release of IRREGULAR

In un mondo iper tecnologico e inquinato oltre limite, il rinnovamento naturale è praticamente assente e la ricerca diretta altrove.

The average life expectancy has surpassed the century thanks to cybernetic implants replacement and empowering, the demographic collapse is averted with the introduction of a rational international directives, which dispenses a permit Procreation only in case of a new death.

A birth in exchange for a death.

Personal Identity recorded and digitally encoded information creates a unique and indelible trace.

Nessuno sfugge al Sistema e ai suoi occhi elettronici.

Nell’ordine disumanizzato di una società gestita dalle macchine, un efferato delitto scuote le fondamenta: un uomo viene trovato morto nel suo appartamento, il suo occhio artificiale strappato dall’orbita oculare.

Shaun Morrison, detective dalla personalità complessa e poco incline alla disciplina imposta dal corpo di polizia, indaga sul caso, che sembra subito condurre a trafficking of cybernetic implants and then get complicated.

The disturbing element is someone who disregards the system: a irregular .

Irregular is a fast-paced cyberpunk novel from the bleak, that interweaves the personal stories of many lives and trace the contours a plausible and not so distant future.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Book Invitation Template


Press conference

Monday, July 12, 2010 11:00
Marra Hall - Palazzo Marino, 2 Piazza Scala, Milan

"On behalf of the organizing committee, we invite you to the opening presentation of the collection of signatures for the 5 referendum on the quality of life in Milan and

modules will be available for subscriptions, will be presented on logo della campagna e illustrate le modalità operative della raccolta firme.

Interverranno gli esponenti del Comitato promotore, sia del mondo associativo e accademico che della politica.”

Marco Cappato, Edoardo Croci, Enrico Fedrighini

I Need Hep With Church Welcome Letter

more counseling and less pills ! Creativity second

Ogni tanto emerge una ricerca che documenta l'enorme diffusione di "pasticche" e "aiutini" vari (e ogni tanto ho dedicato qualche post a questo argomento). Ne è uscita da poco un'altra ( un resoconto qui ), la cui conclusione fondamentale è questa: raddoppio in dieci anni di prescrizioni di farmaci, con un boom di antidepressivi, specie per le donne .
Credo che davanti a questi dati anche i più ferventi sostenitori della farmaceutica classica, anche gli scettici che ci mettono in guardia dal "voler vedere somatizzazioni dappertutto", debbano ammettere che in questo caso ci sia poco da sottilizzare: la tendenza generale è evidentemente quella di voler chemically remove the symptoms without addressing the root causes of their malaise.
It 's a general process that gives rise to anger me even more tangled when it becomes a "method of education" for children and young people, subtly medicalized rather than heard.
"If there is a headache, usually we do not ask" Why have I come? What specific injury or harmful situation I exposed my body, which now produces the headache? "But rather" Where's the aspirin? ". [...] Do not reflect on why people feel the need to drink when they return from work, or because they have to take a pill to sleep, or because they have take another to wake up. If you would lay these questions and remain well in touch with their bodies and easily find the answers. Instead, the early years of life are used to ignoring or neglecting the feelings and messages of the body, whether pleasant or unpleasant. The unpleasant sensations are removed with drugs when possible or passively tolerated when there is no medication that can defeat them "(CM Steiner, life script, Ed The Happy Life, p. 79).
When you decided to exit the tunnel, you know that a good counseling may be the right way.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sensitive Cervix Bleeding

Ready to go! (Quasi..)

I moduli per la raccolta delle sottoscrizioni arriveranno venerdì 9 luglio .

Sarà possibile sottoscrivere i referendum presso l' Ufficio Elettorale comunale di via Messina 52, in tutte le delegazioni di Zona del comune di Milano, nella Sede centrale di via Larga 12, presso tutti gli uffici decentrati dei servizi anagrafici , a Palazzo Marino, where the modules will be progressively distributed.
(available soon publish the addresses and hours of all branches)

will then organized Banquet , especially the evenings, the streets of the city.
to organize a collection of signatures is the availability of an authenticator (clerk, notary public, municipal or provincial council, an official with the delegation of the Municipality or Province).

the purpose of reaching the 15,000 signatures are valid only for the signatures of citizens registered to voter of the City of Milan .

The collection will be completed by Saturday, November 6.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Unlocking A Locked Mailbox Iwth Nortel


The creative function of imagination belongs to the common man, the scientist, the engineer, it is essential to scientific discoveries such as the birth of the art, it is even necessary condition for life .. . [...]

[The Tales and creations] are full human beings. If a society based on the myth of productivity (and the reality of profit) needs of men in half - performers faithful, diligent breeding, docile instruments without a will - it means that it hurt and that must change. To change this, we need creative people, who can use their imagination. [...]

Creativity is synonymous with "divergent thinking", ie ability to continuously break the patterns of experience. It is "creative" a mind always at work, always asking questions, to discover other problems where the answers are satisfactory, at ease in the fluid situations in which the only other smell danger, capable of autonomous and independent reviews (including from the father, the professor and society), which rejects codified, that Reworked objects and concepts without being inhibited by conformism. All these qualities manifest in the creative process. And this process - listen! Hear! - Has a playful character: forever.

(Gianni Rodari Grammar of Fantasy, ed Einaudi, p. 171)