Monday, July 12, 2010

How Long Will Tin Of Anchovies Keep After Opening


Milan, July 12, 2010. E 'was presented today at Palazzo Marino on the referendum campaign for five of the environment and quality of life for which, today, the citizens of Milan will sign. The City of Milan has in fact validated, according to the statute, signatures of the first 100 subscribers who were delivered in June and launched the certification forms for the collection of signatures. They have already signed up as sponsors of the initiative, launched by Marco Cappato, Edoardo Croci, Enrico Fedrighini, personality of the civil society, culture and politics. The presentation was attended, among others, local councilors and Montalbetti Charles Giancarlo Pagliarini.

Objectives To provide its citizens with health and standard of living appropriate to a modern metropolis, Milan needs to revolutionize transport systems, energy and green.
most recent scientific studies have found that if they were taken bold measures needed to improve the quality of air, earning a year and a half of life to the head, avoided 1,000 deaths a year and get sick less. Especially children, the elderly and the most vulnerable and lower income they would have an immediate benefit. Unfortunately, the policy of building it is unable to take bold and far-sighted choices. The referendum is the only way to give citizens the right to choose their future.

How and where

E 'match the referendum initiative "MilanoSìMuove. In fact, today, Monday, July 12, you can subscribe to the fifth referendum.
E 'can sign electoral office of the City of Milan, Via Messina 52 from 8.30 to 12 and from 14.30 to 15.30. From Wednesday, you can also sign at all locations of the zones and registration offices.
Il comitato promotore organizzerà tavoli di raccolta firme in concomitanza con i principali appuntamento dell'estate milanese: sono già stati prenotati gli spazi per i banchetti di raccolta firme per l’intero mese di luglio presso Darsena e Colonne di S. Lorenzo e nei giorni di svolgimento delle manifestazioni estive presso l’Arena civica in occasione del “Milano jazzin’ festival” (dal 12 luglio al 2 agosto) e presso della rassegna “notturni musicali” presso la Villa Reale di Via Palestro (tutti i giovedì e sabati dal 15 al 31 luglio).


I promotori sono un gruppo trasversale di cittadini, con esperienze diverse nella politica, nella cultura, nella science and research, the environment and society, convinced that we should take action first person to turn Milan into a more healthy and livable. A civic movement that does not believe that these choices can be delegated to the parties.


The subscription queries from at least 15,000 Milanese (1, 5% of those registered to vote, according to the rules of the City) by November 6, 2010 will lead the call for a vote of all residents comment on the questions. If at least 30% of voters go to vote and SI 'will prevail, the requests will take the value of a clear direction to municipal bodies. But it is mainly the mobilization Municipal recent months that will give strong signal for a turn. Cash flow

The referendum with the self-sustaining activities of volunteers and donations from citizens. Each entry and exit will be publicly accounted for on the website. Contributions and donations may be made at Banca Intesa-San Paolo bank account 1000/3586, addressed to: Organizing Committee for referendum Milan, IBAN: IT88 F030 6901 6151 0000 0003 586


The referendum campaign has as its logo represents the civic mobilization MilanoSìMuove. Si (accent) is surrounded by a green leaf-shaped cathedral of Milan. sites and will be constantly updated signature collection points, events, sponsors and donations.


referendum.milano @
Lorenzo Lipparini


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