Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Unlocking A Locked Mailbox Iwth Nortel


The creative function of imagination belongs to the common man, the scientist, the engineer, it is essential to scientific discoveries such as the birth of the art, it is even necessary condition for life .. . [...]

[The Tales and creations] are full human beings. If a society based on the myth of productivity (and the reality of profit) needs of men in half - performers faithful, diligent breeding, docile instruments without a will - it means that it hurt and that must change. To change this, we need creative people, who can use their imagination. [...]

Creativity is synonymous with "divergent thinking", ie ability to continuously break the patterns of experience. It is "creative" a mind always at work, always asking questions, to discover other problems where the answers are satisfactory, at ease in the fluid situations in which the only other smell danger, capable of autonomous and independent reviews (including from the father, the professor and society), which rejects codified, that Reworked objects and concepts without being inhibited by conformism. All these qualities manifest in the creative process. And this process - listen! Hear! - Has a playful character: forever.

(Gianni Rodari Grammar of Fantasy, ed Einaudi, p. 171)


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